How To Prepare For SearchGPT For Early Access

We all know about ChatGPT, and SearchGPT by OpenAI is the latest in AI-driven search technology, which absolutely has a lot of buzz. Very early access to this powerful tool can give you a competitive edge and provide time to look at its potential before it becomes widely available.

In this article, you will find out the new features as well as run-through steps on how to prepare for SearchGPT for early access to this advanced AI tool. This will ensure you will be ready and hit the ground running on day one.

SearchGPT – New Search Features

OpenAI is testing a new prototype SearchGPT running on AI models GPT-4. This tool brings new advanced search features to give you the answers quickly and timely with relevant info sources. That is the great combination of their strong AI models with the huge data and information from the websites.

Search In A New Way

Finding your answers on the Internet may take you many attempts to get the good results you want. With SearchGPT, you will receive your answers much more easily and faster thanks to the enhanced models of conversational capabilities. You also can give follow-up questions with the context built for each query.

Designed To Give The Answers In The Best Way

You will get the latest information with clear and related sources. SearchGPT will cite and link to the publishers of the content in your searches. You will notice where the information comes from and easily reach the links on the convenient sidebar. This is how OpenAI tries to protect and value publishers and journalism.

They also say they plan to integrate those features into ChatGPT for direct use soon. If you would like to try on this SearchGPT, join the waitlist by following our guidelines below.

How To Prepare For SearchGPT – Guide To Join The Waitlist

To sign up for the waitlist of SearchGPT, you need to have an account of ChatGPT already. After logging in, you can start to join the waitlist here. Just click that black bottom “Join waitlist” and you are done.

SearchGPT is in testing by OpenAI

You will get informed with the checkmark “You’re on the waitlist” like this:

You can join the waitlist for early access to SearchGPT

It’s been said that prototype testing will initially begin with as many as 10,000 people. The time of the testing and its future expansion have not been disclosed, beyond its ultimate integration into the ChatGPT service.

Last Words

Join the waitlist for SearchGPT right today and hope that you are the lucky one who will be selected as a participant.

Elmer Alasteir

Elmer Alasteir

Elmer Alasteir is an AI Expert and Consultant at Quarule. He has over 10 years of hands-on experience in developing AI solutions for businesses.